Saturday, 26 January 2013

Canon 5D Mklll

I have recently started using the new 5D Mklll and have to say that Canon seems to have done this one right. First the starting point, it's not the cheapest and not the most expensive, with the 1Dx going for almost double the cost the Mklll.

Now the guts, it is fast enough for those that know how to shoot sports and don't feel they need 10-12 FPS to do the job, at 6FPS that's plenty. The iso capabilities and fast focus system is excellent. With the battery grip, which carries two batteries, the feel is solid and comfortable, without being bulky or too heavy for the average user. While I'm not a mega-pixel guy, using a 22MP camera sure makes for some large files.

I wouldn't waste my money trying to justify a 1Dx at over $7000 when you can have all you'll ever need at half that.

Gerard Chatigneau

Again in 2012 my community has lost a friend, Gerard Chatigneau. Gerard shot figure skating for all the years that I have known him, 21 years. He was a perfectionist with his camera and all the work he did with those images after. For over a decade he self published the Figure Skating calendar, it was a piece of art, the images as good as you would ever see anywhere. He captured the "moment" with every press of the shutter. Gerard was the guy who showed up to the rink before the skaters morning practice, he studied their programs and translated that into the images he wanted during competition. He was the guy who fell asleep in the media room at the end of the day, still going through the images from that day. It was his life and passion and it made a difference to the skaters, he set the height of the bar and we all aspired to reach it at every event. On many occations we just sat and talked about our work, he always had a good word for me, and a suggestion when he knew it would help. He was a kind and gentle soul, with a bit of odd thrown in, the good odd.

He will be missed.

Mike Cassese

I met Mike back in the mid 1980's, he was shooting for the Toronto Sun and I was shooting for Mila Mulroney, the Prime Minister of Canada's wife. It was an event in Toronto, Mike and I ran into each other while walking down the road, we struck up a conversation, a conversation that lasted 27 years.

Mike was one of those guys that would help anyone, a quiet person with a camera that spoke louder than most. He was a great friend, I never met anyone that didn't enjoy being around the guy.

Mike passed away on December 27th of a heart attack, he was just 53 years old, far too young to lose a friend. He left behind a family and friends and so many amazing images that will never be captured.

The world lost a good man that day.